Saturday, 27 April 2013



Today many of us trapped with the problems of overweight. Once we gained overweight it’s very hard to shed from our body. 

Here are some of the easy and helpful tips to lose your overweight problem.

* Dietary control: First of all you’ve to control your daily diets.

* Cut down your daily quantity of foods, say half of your regular intake.

* Take 100Kcals which contains a large amount of fibers.

* Take small quantities of food frequently to control your appetite.

* Eat your food slowly rather than gulp down in hurry.

* Your diet should contain 1 gram of protein per kg of ideal body weight.

* Avoid ghee, butter, eggs, fried foods and fatty preparations, sweets, potatoes and alcohol.

* Consume only vegetable oils except coconut and palm oil. It provides essential fatty acids.

* Take lightly prepared soup-like preparations, green vegetables as spinah, bathua, cabbage, coriander, spearmint, fenugreek leaves, bottle-gourd, ridge-gourd or ribbed-gourd etc.

* Take salads and fruits.

* Take cucumber and / or tomatoes in-between the principal meals to prevent hunger.

* Take skimmed milk.

* Restrict intake of salt. No extra salt should be added to the diet. It should be only 3 gms in your diet.

* Take abundance of fluids. (Lemon juice/ fruit juice/water)

* Take a glass of water before your meal to lessen the food intake.

* Fasting for a day in weekly basis is good for you.


* Do moderate exercise everyday, morning and evening.

* Walking is best for you. Walk at the speed of 5 kms per hour. It will burn 300Kcals in one hour.

*Take part in light outdoor games as badminton, table tennis, swimming and cycling etc.

* For housewives household activities like mopping, sweeping the floor, cleaning the utensils and gardening etc., are forms of exercise.

* Yogaabhiyas is one of the best methods of reducing the body weight.

I hope these tips will definitely work for you in losing your overweight problems.

Please give your valuable comments.

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