Friday, 26 April 2013



In modern days we are spending more time in front of computer and television screens. As a result our physical activity levels are decreasing and our weights are increasing. This leads to the development of obesity (overweight) by displacing physical activity and energy expenditure. 

Work involving much sitting, coupled with poor and faulty food habits, dietary practices are the main causes of this. Now we are surrounded by all the technological innovations and environment that promotes obesity.

Apart from genetic factor, obesity is cause by an imbalance between calories-in and calories-out and how we eat, exercise and play.

Our busy lifestyles, eating away from home is becoming more common. Hence, today we are more likely to consume fast items likely noodles, pizza, burger, and fresh fries, just to name a few. These foods have high energy density and poorer nutritional quality compared to the foods prepared in conventional style.

Adding to this is the increase soft drink consumption which provides empty calories and nutrient deficiencies. Person who consumes soft drinks may suffer from deficiencies of calcium and vitamin C.

Obesity opens the door to many diseases such as: 

* Cardio-vascular disease

* Diabetis

* Mellitus

* Cancer

 * Orthopaedic problems

* Gall bladder disease

*Breathing problem

* Skin disorder

* Poor body image

Best remedies are: maintain well balanced diet like cereals, rice, wheat, dals, vegetables, milk products and seasonal fruits.

Avoid: fats, oils and sugar, chocolates, chips, pastries, noodles, pizza, burger, and fresh fries.

Simple remedy: Drink lemon juice every morning in empty stomach.

I hope your problem of obesity will be check very soon.

Please give your valuable comments.                                                                        

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