* There should be balanced
* Diet should contain
proteins, fats and carbohydrates in proper proportion to provide energy.
* Use mixed diet of cereals
and pulses.
* Select fresh vegetables and
* Avoid dried food.
* For non-vegetarians pulses
should be deducted by 50 %( 20-30 gms) and one egg or 30 gms, fish or meat
should be given. If there are no pulses in the diet, 2 eggs or 50 gms. Fish or
meat should be given.
* One should drink 6-8
glasses (1200-1600 mls.) of water every day.
* During pregnancy there will
be more demands of protein, calcium, iron, folic acid, vitamin D and other
* There will be more demand for
nutrients during lactation.
* Diet should be convenient
in preparation.
* Diet should be appetizing
and tasty.
* It should not be costly.
* It should be easily
* Exercise is required to
maintain good health. Suitable exercise should be undertaken daily by every
body, especially adults leading sedentary life and elderly people. Walking,
swimming, running and cycling etc. can be undertaken daily for at least 30 to
45 minutes.
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