Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Maintain Good Health


* Consider your body as the temple of God. Keep it clean and tidy, both inside and outside.

* Keep the body active but do not get overdo it, so that it does not get overtired. Exercise in moderation and do not let it grow fat. Keep it slim.

* Be careful about the quality and quantity of your diet. It should be simple and containing necessary vitamins and proteins. Eat only when you are hungry. Do not overload your stomach. Avoid food which takes a long time to digest.

* Avoid tobacco, alcoholic drinks and intoxicating drugs.

* Morning and evening walks, deep breathing and sun-bath are recommended.

* Take bath daily and preferably with fresh water.

* Observe self-restraint in sensual desires and passions.

* Keep your mind cheerful and contented.

* Anger, worry, jealousy, enmity and hatred should be controlled these are not conducive to happy mind and healthy body.

* Have good sleep. Six to seven hours are sufficient, but do not sleep for too long either.

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